
Common Grackle

They will eat almost anything
A bird that should be admired in the full sun to see its almost iridescent feathers. Common Grackles are blackbirds that look like they have been slightly stretched.
They walk around lawns, especially mine! A flock of what had to be at least a hundred of them landed on my trees and lawn before a few of them discovered my feeders. It looks like something out of an Alfred Hitchcock film when they descend upon your property.

I managed to capture this one but it was not easy. Every time I lifted my camera to shoot, it spooked them and they took off. I had to hide behind the sheer curtains and just poke my lens out enough to take the picture without causing alarm to it. I was happy that I was successful with a few shots.

“...dark furrow lines grid the snow, punctuated by orange abacus beads of pumpkins - now the crows own the field...”
― John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

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