
By Mikey88


My mother-in-law had another eye appointment at ten o'clock this morning. The traffic was much lighter than expected, so we arrived by half past nine. We went in to the first stage at about five to ten, and then a further test and we had to wait for the consultant.

She saw him at about 11.00, and the news was quite good. One eye had stabilised, but the other would need further injections - so another trip in one day next week.

I eventually dropped her home at about twenty to twelve and then went straight on to do the weekly shop, arriving back home, with shopping, at about quarter to two. I had a quick bite of lunch, then I thought I'd do something helpful round the house, so decided to hand some washing out, but my wife had beaten me to it.

While I was out there, I noticed butterflies on the buddleia bush. I thought they were finished, so I went back for the camera and tried for more flight shots. There were two commas, a red admiral, a small tortoiseshell, as speckled wood and several whites. As usual, I didn't get any sharp shots of the coloured butterflies, so you have yet another picture of a white as it danced against the blue sky.

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