Last Day Of Summer

So, Autumn starts for real tomorrow but the ups-and-downs in temperature make me think it arrived a week early!

Hope this isn't the last butterfly of the year, but I couldn't not blip it just in case.

In health news, was supposed to see my doctor to get a prescription for the migraine prevention drugs I got at hospital. My doctor is now poorly (?!) so I saw a different one. I asked if he minded having a look at my list of symptoms as I've so many diagnoses I didn't think yet another opinion would hurt! I described the different types of headache I now get but that I didn't have chronic headaches with the first dizzy spells only earaches...and that the treatment for BPPV helped a lot but I'm still getting vestibular symptoms to some degree most if not every day.

"Can I try something?" said he. "Why not?!" said I. Having been sent home from work again this morning because I was wobbly I was prepared to listen to any new advice!

He felt, and indeed found, a very sore spot in my right shoulder muscle near my neck. He said he believes I wasn't having the headaches before but that the stress of the other symptoms has caused a great deal of tension and that's where it's residing. In turn that's causing nerve problems and explains (he thinks) why my right side is always in bother first.

I've now been taken off the medication for the meantime and have to put a heatpad on this sore spot and do a few relaxation exercises (sitting down) each day. It may help, it may not, but the Pizotifen is causing too much drowsiness and brain fog before I'm even on the correct dose to be the right thing for me so worth a try. The hope is that I will know if it's working maybe before I go for my scan but definitely before I get my scan results and see the consultant again.

At which point there'll be an answer or some relief or a prescription re-think.
All good fun innit?!

& lastly in Foto Friday news, I made a funky feather for Flickr :)

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