Capital adventures

By marchmont

Black Grape Cooler

So after a day at work it was home to have a brief rest before #3 son's birthday meal. I'm paying so no cheap option here.

He was anxious, wanting to get to George Street in time to meet #1 gf, eat and then go out. #2 son, as usual, was going at his own pace. I'm feeling quite pleased with myself because, despite my annoyance, #3 son's resigned forbearance and #2 son's usual tactic of pushing it as far as he could I didn't lose the head and we all ended up in the restaurant in relatively good humour, only 5 minutes late.
I say good humour, but #2 son wasn't laughing. As we went in the very heavy door caught the back of his heel, his Achilles tendon, and he was in excruciating pain. He spent the meal with unofficial painkillers and his leg up on an ice pack.

Having eaten, and not broken the bank, I dropped the couple off at the Bridges and #2 son at Grange Loan. And then it was 'home alone', well me and the wonder cat. Should I give her her very own Facebook page and Twitter feed? Hamish,;the St Andrew's, cat has one, the couple told me.

The injury ended any discussion that might have taken place about designated drivers. Luckily Gustos have a great selection of mocktails and I loved the Black Grape Sling. But that didn't stop me opening the Sauv Blanc when I got home.

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