Mummy's birthday celebrations - day 2!!

This morning I woke up and I was at Granny and Papa's. I had been very good and slept all night apart from one 4am hug from Gran! We got up and ready and had breakfast and played for a while then papa took me for a walk and I had a nice sleep. Then I had a big lunch. After lunch mummy came over. Her and daddy had been out last night and she was fine but daddy wasn't feeling very well so he stayed at home. Auntie Siobhan and uncle Stephen came over too and I got to give mummy a present from them. We all had dinner together but I wasn't in the mood for eating much. I just wanted back to playing and diving in and out my tent and helping tidy up with my little brush and shovel! Mummy and I went home after dinner and I got to see daddy. Then we had visitors - uncle David and auntie Claire and auntie Lori, uncle Chris, Kerr and Brody! Mummy got more presents - she said she's very lucky and been very spoiled! I was running around and playing and went into my room and pulled out my tent and demanded asked that everyone get in with me! Auntie Claire and auntie Lori did take turns coming in. I was laughing lots when we played a game and auntie Claire was popping up in the window of the tent and trying to grab me! Whenever I took a break from playing I came over to see Brody and give him a kiss. I was very worried when he cried so came over and patted his hand. His gums are very sore so we gave him some magic teeth gel. He was hungry too so mummy gave him his bottle. She took it away from him and sat him up while there was still some left. I thought it was a mistake so came over and picked up his bottle and put it in his mouth!

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