In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Things we did today

Things we did today Me; put up 2 bird houses, went to Tesco to exchange a faulty torch, via the bank, replaced the batteries in the auto watering system, after going back up to Tessco for the batteries and for some vinegar so June can pickle the beetroot. Moved some hanging onions. Cut back some ivy. Tidied the loft, washed my taxi sign, shredded old sticks, fixed the shredder, had some yoghurt tea and later a bottle of Midnight Sun Porter, cooked garlic and tomato, minty lamb for dinner. Watched Django Unchained. June; planted a shrub, painted two outside lights, washed the beetroot, boiled the beetroot, had a Pimms and lemonade, and a cup of decaf tea, planted some ivy cuttings, dealt with Forbes when he came round to measure three windows for new blinds, watched Django Unchained. I am sure there was more, but that will do. The weather was sunny and warm, 93 in the greenhouse.

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