
By middaypyjamas

Wooden Remains

Big steps were taken today towards my application, it's really starting to come together. I think my portfolio is basically there, so next I have to write up my screenplay pitches and then there's a few other little odds and ends. I will be very relieved when it's all done, in the meantime I just want to make sure I do the best job possible.

I am also in a bit of physical pain from yesterdays exertion, but it's the good kind of pain, the kind that reminds you you pushed yourself. To be honest I'm keen to do more and am hoping to go for a 10km run soon as it's been a while since I've done one. But it's great, with the sunnier weather slowly moving in and the longer nights almost upon us it makes an exercising a much more appealing aspect, and just encourages you to do more.

Anyway, that's it for me blipsters, have a good one.


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