Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Buddleia flower essence helps one to feel spiritual contact in the darkest of situations. Do we learn and grow when life is smooth and easy or do we learn and grow from the darkest of situations?

That which seems dark is that which has not yet been brought into the light to be accepted and integrated within us. Our dark side is made of the unhealed parts of ourselves that are too frightening for us to look at so we shut them away and refuse to acknowledge them. Our deepest wounds; our greatest fears cause us to react emotionally to triggers in our lives. These triggers expose the wounds that we're trying to hide from ourselves.

Do any of these fears trigger pain for you?

I have no purpose
I can't be trusted
I am not loved
I am not good enough
I am powerless
I am not supported

Notice where your hidden pain is. Ask yourself honestly when the same wound has been opened for you. It has probably been opened many times in different situations. As you understand your wound, you can accept it, integrate it and let it go. Taking buddleia flower essence helps to move out of the darkness and into the light.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

Here's a much more beautiful buddleia photo than mine.

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