That's about the size of it.

We rather like our creature comforts. And both being very definitely into the "Wrinkly" category gave up the concept of "Roughing it" (If we ever did Rough it) long ago.
In consequence, and since there was a tow-ball on at purchase, we tend to haul certain things along behind us: hence the trailer.
When we went over to The Isle of Wight we didn't tell the camp-site, who offer to include Ferry booking as part of the package, that we had a trailer. (They didn't think to ask). On arrival at the Ferry terminal we were set upon by vagabonds who demanded a further Fifty QUID on account of we had a trailer.
If there's a "next time" do we cram it all into "The Wagon", take less, or borrow the BIGGEST trailer we can out of spite?

The foot-ware is by way of an indication of size. One of my bits of footware, be they shoe or slipper, is 12" = 30.48cm from stem to stern.
As them over there are wont to say ... "Go figure".

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