The Master Sandwich Designer

Every man should have a Lisa in their life. I'm lucky enough to have two. Most of you will know Lisa No.1 (otherwise known as TJ) but Lisa No.2 here is my surrogate Lisa. I would be quite bereft without either one of them! Lisa is the other half to Jez and together they comprise Creative Breads. I've talked before about how they've transformed my lunchtime into an extravagant culinary experience. Their sandwiches are simply amazing. But it's not just the food. Their counter has become a little home from home, a place to banter, share some laughs, and chill for a few minutes each day. I often enter heavy footed, but always seem to leave with a spring in my step. That's the kind of people they are, as well as all the other lovely owners and staff at the Shipley Health Store. So guys, this is just to say thanks for all the kindnesses and looking after me so well. And special thanks, of course, to Lisa No.2. I can tell you that Lisa No.1 is happy in the knowledge that you're keeping me well fed and in good condition for our next rendezvous!

I'm going in on the train right now to give the cycling a break and see if that helps my running. I had a short trot out tonight, just before it got dark (and just as it started raining), and the legs are definitely feeling more frisky for not carrying all those bike miles. I'm planning on doing a few races this Autumn with the main aim of trying to avoid setting any new PWs (Personal Worsts). That's all I have left to target now, apart from trying to beat any old mates that might also turn up. I generally find that the people with whom I had close contests 20 odd years ago have slowed at the same rate and are still in the same part of the field as me. I can see a few of us still battling it out in another 20 years time - provided, that is, the marshalls are prepared to keep the checkpoints open long enough!

Finally, I should record that I started writing today. I released from its draw a special journal that I've been keeping safe for this very purpose and started scribbling away on the train to work this morning. It felt good. Words are taking shape already. I've been on a bit of a high all day - despite a deeply frustrating time at the office.

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