
By Brookeside


Today I went to granny and papa's when mummy went to work. It wasn't until granny was getting me ready that we realised mummy had forgotten my shoes! I was going into Glasgow with granny and papa so they could do some shopping so our first stop was some new shoes for me! Aren't I lucky that mummy is forgetful ;) We went into a shopping centre and there was a big play area which I had a great time in! Then we were walking through the shops and granny was holding my hand and papa was pushing the buggy and I held my hand out, looked at papa and said hand! I was then very happy when he took my other hand and walked along with a big smile on my face! Once we came home granny took me straight to my house. Daddy was home from work so I played with him, had my dinner and then mummy came home. I ate some more food watched waybuloo, played in my tent and then it was bedtime!

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