
By Jillybean

Words Of Wisdom Wednesday!

#4 in a lovely series of quotable Wednesdays!

This took a lot of work. Not that i mind. It was gorgeous out and lovely being out there. Already had the quote printed out but i had to cut the flowers and tape them up...Oh yes! You didn't realize?! That's a wall...Not the floor. It's the garage and the flowers are all taped up nicely. Haha. Oh boy...
Proof and other options...
The supplies...
See it's really a wall...

So maybe they aren't "Words of Wisdom" and you really can't take much away from the quote. But i love it none the less. And it's me.
"I want to be remembered as the girl who was always smiling even when her heart was broke, and the one who could brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own."

oh p.s. mad back blips. go check em
OHH p.p.s! LOOK AT THE OTHER WEDNESDAYS =] it's worth your while i swarmous

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