You Are The Apple Of My Eye

Three more days of work upon the completion of todays shift.

Went to Venus's house for a part grad part farewell party. There was the most delicious greek food there. We all ended up watching jersey shore when it came on. (Not the best episode yet for sure). I realized I had forgotten my camera at home (as opposed to forgetting my memory card like yesterday) so once again I found myself borrowing Anthony's iphone and trying to get a pic. I took this one of Anthony Darling, Mac, and Kristen but I was of course not crazy bout it since it came from a phone...But alas when I got home I remembered I had taken this picture today before I left for work! The day is saved. Plus now Rek won't be as mad that I picked a picture of those three over him. =]

The goodbyes started today. And I can tell you this. I'm not going to like this.

*Ps A year ago is one of my favorite blips...and no one has ever commented on it =[

"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends."
-Richard Bach

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