
By NickyH


Another day, another dandy. I think I have a problem. Some kind of dandelion-blip addiction. They're just so lovely to photograph though.

Of course this one would have been much better if it wasn't taken at 7pm in the back garden post Zumba class, with severely fading daylight.

But a blip is a blip!

My commenting is awful at the moment. I have no excuse other than I'm trying to spend more time with H and not be a Mum who's constantly glued to her laptop or phone all the time. I had a bit of a wobble the other day that he's growing up so fast and these years of him being so young and innocent won't last forever. I really need to start appreciating them more before they're gone. I hope you can all forgive me. It doesn't mean I don't still look at your blips xx

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