
By Adda


It rained like hell last night. I didnt realize when it started but when I got up in the morning, I found the area near my window completely wet and shining. It called for a blip. I saw the effects of rain when I reached office. I guess more people decided to take their car out this morning. 8-floor parking was not enough today. All the roads inside the office campus had cars parked up on either side. Then I thought whether it was a good idea. I mean, I would rather take my bike (moto) out rather than a car. The roads in the city get flooded easily. So, if I am stuck, I can at least drag my bike but with the car, it will spell trouble for me. Yeah we get exposed to rain on a bike but a raincoat can do a decent job in keeping the rain off (for those who dont like to get drenched in rain). Anyway, the rain I am sure was welcome by many. This country 'badly' needs some 'good' rain.

Off to a movie now.

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