
By spannarama

Turn-ups convention

I went over to the Barbican at lunchtime with my friend Char, making the most of the reasonably warm weather before it's gone. We'd been sitting outside by the lake there for a little while when what seemed like hundreds of people started flooding out from inside the Barbican centre. I have never seen so many Hoxton haircuts, chunky framed glasses or turn-ups - I could only assume it was some sort of designers' conference. Lo and behold, when I checked online this evening, I found out that AGI Open London is being held there - "the foremost graphic design conference on the international calendar."

Good day at work - I feel like I'm almost starting to get on top of everything now, just before it all goes crazy again soon. Managed to rally several of my colleagues to help me put together 90 packs for an event being held at work at the weekend, so bought cake to thank them this afternoon (that's how it works at my place - rewards through cake).

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