Growing old disgracefully



I was up in time to capture a wonderful rosy dawn coming up over the Highland Fault (think Neil Oliver's hair blowing in the wind) but it was the gentler light later on that appealed to me more. Wish I could work better with the layers, and it would have been nice to get those cormorants a bit sharper, but there was no time to faff about as we had to squeeze in a slap up breakfast before a meeting at the VIP's school where we heard about our wee star's progress.

Sister in law came for dinner (courgette and mint mousse with a crispy courgette cogwheel followed by seafood paella) after she had been to the biggest jolly ever the Scottish Learning Festival . Drove her to Queen Street and almost crashed looking at some weird lights in the sky. At one point we thought it was a Close Encounter of the Alien kind, at another point we were convinced the Rapture* had come and we had been left behind. Comforted to learn from Louise that it was just the opening of the SSE Hydro.

Those of you who know me and my sister in law well will realise that come the Rapture, she will be taken and I will be left behind

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