From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Polish Your Helmet!

Apologies for the title. I was going to call it 'You Can Leave Your Hat On' but then you would have thought I was going to put a Tom Jones track at the end so I thought I'd better not.

Everything about today has been a bit late for me including posting this blip. It was another Joe Bonamassa concert last night but this time it was at the Birmingham NIA. Joe was great as you'd expect but I really, really am never going to a Brum centre concert again so soon after an Edinburgh one. Walking across a grimy city on a Friday night to a venue that has all the charm of a public toilet is downright depressing. Sorry, that's just how I feel. I have been spoilt with the lovely clean Lothian buses too. Oh well...

I got back pretty late but felt peckish so sat up with a cheese and onion roll and glass of red watching Corrie and Emmerdale from earlier in the evening. Sorry!

I went to Stratford upon Avon today to stock up on suet cakes in Robert Dyas and decided to give my feathered pals sunflower hearts and a new feeder to go with it. I am a bit like a kiddie in a sweet shop when it comes to birdie food.

From there it was a wander round the market where I took random shots. I stood quite a while by this war memorabilia stand thinking about the wonderful people who had worn all the hats years ago and almost bought Bony a new hat but decided against it in the end. He is getting rather spoilt! I am getting quite a selection of hats built up for him.

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I left there and went to The Garrick for the usual couple of Saturday afternoon pints before trundling back home for a mushroom dhansak, Strictly Come Dancing which I missed most of and - I'm so ashamed! - X Factor.

There endeth Saturday.

Track? This is slightly different to my normal thing but I have it on a True Blood CD I got a while back. I was listening to it while reading earlier and found myself singing along. I LOVE the words! - The Golden State

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