Meet my family


We had a lovely family meal in the pub on Friday night. We had taken over all the rooms too so it was also a nice family breakfast, with entertainment provided by bubbly 3yr old gt-niece!

Off to the Registry Office at 11am with a select group, a nice little ceremony. We then had a short time to take photos outside, my official role. Trying to take groups of people is not easy but we got through them fairly quickly. This is the bride and groom with our side of the family - Mum, my sister (the groom's mother), my niece (the groom's sister) with her husband and daughter, my two brothers and their wives, my other niece and me (second from right)!

Back to the pub for a meal with both families and a few friends then on to the village hall for the afternoon/evening session, where we were joined by other members of our family and lots of the bride and groom's friends. We were so lucky with the weather and were able to have the speeches and the first couple of hours outside. The dancing was started off with a very boisterous "Strip the Willow" - with so many people taking part it was exhausting and great fun. The party went on until after midnight but many of us had bowed out before then!

Big Adventure Day 115 - Family Wedding
Photos 465/12,873

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