Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Every Cloud

Has a silver lining and while I did not think this yesterday, today I do. I spotted this early this morning and went outside to take it. Then promptly forgot to take anything else for the GOG’s blip, so he has a picture of his favourite furry friend, taken indoors after I got home!

I spent much of the morning answering emails, writing letters, proof-reading the article for the magazine and telephoning our local surgery as well as telephoning his consultant at Addenbrookes who is the main one in charge of his ongoing treatment.

Victoria had a day off school and arrived in time for lunch after her friend, who had been for a sleepover, went home on the train. After lunch we went to visit Mr A and then later in the afternoon our daughter came to visit and then took Victoria home.

Tomorrow will be similar as Victoria’s school is on strike, although what we do will depend on the visiting hours for whichever ward he has been taken too. Currently the plan is to go shopping in Cambridge in the morning, have lunch in town and then visit in the afternoon. Again her mum will collect her after she has finished work.

Many thanks for all your kind words and thoughts for my husband, they are much appreciated by both of us. There is an update on his journal, but please do not feel that you have to look or comment. I did wonder whether I should turn his comments off, but decided against it at this stage.

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