The Bright Lights of the City

Backblipping after a few days away. This was Soho in London last Wednesday. L and I got the train down and after checking into our accommodation - another visit to an LSE Hall of Residence, this one on Drury Lane - she got the tube from Covent Garden off to the O2 to see Fleetwood Mac while I made my way into Soho to meet some people for a meal. I had a bit of time to kill so went to Soho Square which I remembered visiting last time I was in the capital. I was wandering about trying to find Kirsty's bench when I thought I heard someone behind me calling my name. I turned round to see A, who did the same photography course as me and who now lives and works in London as a freelance assistant. She and a friend were also killing time before heading off to a party. I remembered another serendipitous meeting with A in another city. After catching up with how we have both been getting on we then headed our separate ways. I went, a little nervously, to meet a good friend from blipfoto I had chatted to extensively online but never met in person. She was there with her husband and also a couple of friends who had featured on her blips in the past. And I needn't have worried as we spent an excellent evening that raced by all too quickly. We talked about photography and creativity and all manner of things. And they even arranged a little birthday cake for me to start off my weekend of birthday celebrations, which was a lovely surprise. I then met L back at the tube station to hear her tales of the concert, which she had really enjoyed, and in some ways that really surprised her.

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