Alechemy tonight

I was all set but I may have shoogled it as there was a gust. Honest. Good blethers down at the boatie club after an enjoyable and reasonably productive day: the old house is cleared at last.
What good yarns tonight though. I'll skirt past the guys who are just back from a charter in Turkey on a gulet; seems drinks weren't included and the rogue of a captain refused to put in anywhere leaving them to sup the exorbitantly priced drinks on board. They bailed out after a week, despite the attractions of the other passengers - six nurses and two gay ministers. Sounds like a carry on film.
Naw, the best story was from Pam who despaired of ever getting rid of her old wooden boat so put an ad on Gumtree as 'free to a good home'. She got over 70 replies so was really careful that the young couple who took it off her hands knew what they were doing. A summary of the maiden voyage can be found by googling, queensferry RNLI mud rescue….

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