Another Wine

First of October tomorrow, and the first of the Christmas wines have arrived to be secreted away. And my little medicine cabinet arrived too - with a smashed piece of glass, needless to say, though it looks pretty easy to pop a replacement piece in so I'm not that bothered.
Here's a thing though, three middle aged guys walked past me and one of them was saying to the others, 'the tram could have gone round the back of the f***n airport'. What is it about the F word that it needs to used as a catch all, totally meaningless, adjective? Clearly there is no way that an airport can be engaged in copulation, so what does it mean? Nothing of course, though it does signify something, does it not. I'm a man who can put the airport in its place. I can put everything in its effing place. No you can't, Mr Sweary Man. So eff off.
Right, I've been a bad blipper. Commenting to do. Comment effin comment. With a glass of wine (not Christmas wine). Might just switch on and see how West Brom are getting on first...

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