The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Running Track

These days, I seldom schedule my time around weekly television.

If there's a series I want to watch, I tend to do it in the form of a mini marathon.

Sometimes, it's not so mini!

I just started watching Breaking Bad last night on Netflix.

I've never previously seen it even although it took its curtain call at the weekend after five seasons!

It also swept the board at the Emmys and I'd quite like to know why!

There was the necessity for a 'mid marathon walk' today - if only to breathe some air that I hadn't sucked on already!

I found myself atop a small bridge beside the train track which is where I snapped my photo for today.

Food prep next and then I have some time set aside for some mind mapping!

Just your run of the mill Tuesday night really.

I might even see if there's a gap in the crowd and sneak my way back into the marathon...

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