Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


You might have to go large to see G pointing to the tiniest bit of pink in this picture!! :) My best effort today for BCAM... SO thrilled to see some of my friends blip pink today!

Went to Neos after work as it is the second last day of their summer promotion and we are BUSY tomorrow having haircuts! We seem to be instantly recognisable as we were remembered by everyone from the doorman to the hostess in the bar to the waiter - who knew our order as soon as he saw us!! There you go... we've been there too many times in the last 3 weeks! Next time hopefully will be when SweetArt is visiting.

Had to travel to Knowledge Village in the morning to be trained on how to use City & Guilds/ILM's online registration program called Walled Garden. Such an interesting name. Done a week now! :)

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