Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Heeeeeeeere's Kingy

Absolutely spoiled for choice today, with many photos taken of this gorgeous fellow breaking his fast (and quite thoroughly) at the bird feeder I bought recently. He's the first, and here's hoping for many more. As you can see though, he's about as big a bird as this feeder can accommodate - (make him even bigger). We figure that's a fairly good thing, as there's no way the cockatoos will be able to jump on.

Need to figure out how to attract the lorikeets now. 8)

Poor wee lad got hisself bitted by a bull ant again. Two of them, in fact. Poor thing was shaking, and utterly beside himself, according to mrs tsuken :-( All better now, happily - and he was trying to milk it a bit as the evening went on. ;-)


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