Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Power Grab

We have yet another Refereendum (two, actually) on Friday. The more significant one is a proposal to abolish the second house of parliament (Seanad Éireann, -- the Senate).

A taxi driver told me today that some 20,000 people had yet to receive their voting cards, while there were also stories in the newspapers of dead people being sent out cards. The Government parties are all in favour of abolition, but I'm firmly against. My voting card only arrived yesterday (cutting it a bit fine, I would have thought), and I'll be putting my very large and very obvious X in the NO box.

That's for Friday, though. Closer to home, I've been trying to sort out a physiotherapy appointment for my elbow over the past days. I was booked in for today with Blanchardstown hospital but the physiotherapist there noticed that I was just down the road from the hospital at Beaumont and felt it would be more convenient for me to go there instead. I'd heard nothing by Friday last and was told in Beaumont that I was on the waiting list but that it could be three weeks before I'd be seen. But the orthopaedic consultant in Blanchardstown had been very clear about having me begin physio before the sling comes off and before I see him again. Anyway, my phone calls paid off when I got a call early this morning calling me in to Beaumont for 11:30 am.

I was taken through a few exercises and given advice about doing them at home between now and my next orthopaedic appointment for the elbow. Meanwhile, I was given  to understand that I'd be referred for physio for the wrist immediately after the cast comes off (which should happen next Tuesday). I'll then be attending Beaumont physio department for both injuries. It felt that real progress was being made while I did my best to straighten my arm and tried out the exercises. Fingers crossed.

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