Holy Trinity Church

Ann went off to the records office this morning to research an old building that used to stand in the Dell but is no longer there, save the garden walls and the brass rubbing centre which was probably a summer house. The house was in an Italian style, and proving very elusive to find any details about it.

I stayed at home and played Angry Birds fretted over my laptop which is giving me gip. It takes forever to load up, and then will only load fully occasionally. The good old adage ‘Turn it off and turn it back on again’ works eventually, but I think it’s coming to the end of its natural electrical life and needs replacing, or passing on to Tom to use.

The biggest issue is finding a suitable replacement. I want something that is suitable for photo editing, though a quick scan of the internet comes up with laptops anywhere between £1500 and £2000, a bit high for my budget (or so Ann tells me).

This afternoon we went in for our usual, even though the day was somewhat damp, warm but threatening, although the rain didn’t come to much. We walked home via the sight of the Italian house, and Holy Trinity Church, which is next door.

I didn’t take many photos, but I quite liked this of one of the paths leading to the church lined with lime trees.

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