Taking a moment

Taking a moment
to step outside in a slit
of warm dazzling sun

©Things Beautiful 2013

My first attempt at a haiku!

Small pink flowers, no idea what they are though, in my neighbours garden :)

Supporting BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH, this is something that both men and women can suffer from. Lets cover blip pink :)

My day off, phew...its a been a bit of a busy stressful week.

So today I've been shopping, done a washload, quick blip and its lunchtime already (can't believe where the time has gone)! Tonight I'm going to make Butternut Squash Risotto and Bread and Butter Pudding mmmm :)

Another attempt at capturing Billy for Camera School is here! I have learnt a lot these last few weeks and we're getting there :) He was so funny yesterday, not sure what he was chasing but he was batting the green leaves there and then lay in them. This was just as he got up :)

I read the new issue of Practical Photography from cover to cover earlier this morning and am very excited about the practical photoshop in this edition :) Lots of new ideas to try!

Update I have now set up a Challenge in the Forums for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month : Cover Blip Pink (as suggested by GadgetKid) and also tagged my entries BCAM, Pink Challenge.

Happy Friday folks :)

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