Something on my wish list

Got woken up early again by the postman but I didn't go back to bed today. I went on the bus to Asda. Looked upstairs in the clothes dept. Never have time to go up there when I go with my friend to do the grocery shopping. I got 2 tops and a pair of trousers. Building up a new winter wardrobe is expensive and time consuming - but its great to need new clothes because you have lost weight. The weather has been warm but rainy. Wasn't outdoors much though so I was OK.

Today's forum challenge is Something on your wish list . Well I have already crossed off " losing weight " - although I do have more to lose.

A couple of other things on the list are:~~

* To go back to Las Vegas. I was there in 2008 for my daughter's wedding and ( surprisingly ) I really liked the place.

* To own a Mulberry handbag. This is just a pie in the sky wish as THE ONE I LIKE costs £1,100 which is quite a ridiculous price.


* To get a new bathroom. This is at the top of the wishlist as I have wanted/needed a new bathroom for years now. Procrastination is the big problem here. Just can't seem to make the first move towards getting it done. I do a bit of research/costing etc now and again and then I get no further. Before the bathroom gets sorted I need to get the downstairs toilet fixed - its been broken for years AND get the shower room sorted - the shower is broken and it needs re-tiling. If I get these 2 things sorted then at least we will have washing and toilet facilities while the bathroom is out of action. So many plans - but all in my head. Just got to get the ball rolling.

PS I was runner up in a competition to find BRITAIN'S UGLIEST BATHROOM. The winner won a new bathroom - I got a £50 voucher.

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