
Well I'm not sure we're glam enough to be passing this off as glamping. In fairness, we scrubbed up quite well to go out for a curry earlier. However, I think we're showing pretty clear indications of some obvious male behaviour.

We went to the supermarket this afternoon and they have an upmarket one called Booths. The car park was full to the brim with Range Rovers and BMWs as we rocked up in Sarah's beat up old Toyota that has a bad case of eczema. We got out, paid the poshest trolley I've ever seen a quid to let us fill it with booze, chocolate and ice cream! And I wonder why my arse is so lardy?! There was no actual food, well unless you count butter?

We finally found Asda where we belong really and looked for a groundsheet so we weren't traipsing muddy feet into the van. It's Halloween on the seasonal shelves, which will be rapidly followed by the festive season altogether too early for my liking! No camping gear. We found one in B&Q cause we weren't to be defeated. Success! Could we actually be any more rock and roll?

We are armed with slippers and a lovely pink blanket as our carpet. It's Sarah's birthday and we are relaxed, stuffed and laughing at everything.

It's very homely here. The site is nice. I can hear the river in the distance. It's in a forest cause apparently forest sounds more exciting than the woods? Weirdly we arrived at exactly the same time. We're in pitch number 13 it's called living on the edge don't you know?! The facilities are a pleasure, clean and well kept. That's exactly what I want in a campsite lav. Thank you Kendal! We love it here.

We forgot camp ashtray so we're using a diet coke can yes we have the brass neck to buy diet juice I know, we're proper classy! Sarah had another vodka so she's super excited that we have one each now. Quick as a flash I bagsied the fresh one! Ha! She laughed and told me she loves me. This is why I love her. She gave me the new ashtray. It's the simple stuff!

We have candlelight and the iPod on shuffle (Texas White on Blonde right now). It's 14 degrees and we're sitting outside in the awning we're a bit posh deep down although we have fleecy blankets from Primark so I'm showing signs of double standards!

Best of all I don't care and neither does my Sarah.

Life is good. x

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