volunteering orientation..day 1

Day 1 of a two day orientation course for would be volunteers at Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.
What a day and SO much to learn about caring for sick, wounded or orphaned wildlife and the careful process that is gone through to rehabilitate birds, reptiles and animals and return them to their wild life.
There is a 50% success rate which might not sound brilliant but is in a fact a world leader figure. I know from years of the lads and I taking sick and wounded animals in and then re-introducing them back to the bush they do a remarkable job.

We did so much today.
Cleaning hot boxes, learning the recipes for diets of their patients and being hands on! Very cool! Tawny frogmouths, quenda, possums, echidnas, and Widgee the Emu and a variety of birds from local gardens and distant mine sites.

Next week is part two and then it will be into the thick of things. Defrosting frozen mice (micey poles?) for the owls, frogmouths and pythons, harvesting crickets for the 'beardies' and getting the fruit and various combos ready in the kitchen for feeding time for the vegetarians.
I could rattle on with more... but enough already!!

Spotted this poster in the 'smoko' room.
Our street is usually carpeted with chewed gumnuts by the hundreds.
Now I will know the feathered friends resident in the street.

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