
When I moved into this house, I inherited a plastic grass-effect doormat outside the patio doors, and as I stepped out onto it this morning (always with shoes on - it hurts like hell with bare feet!), I noticed that some moss had taken root in among the "grass". Looks rather cute in close-up.

Been feeling a bit low for the last few days. I have finished the 8 week meditation course I was following, which has been helpful but has not, unsurprisingly, provided the answers to all my problems. Life is still here, and it still feels difficult at times. I certainly look at things a bit differently now - I am much more aware that my mind is constantly whirring and that the over-thinking has a tendency to cause a lot of anxiety. I'm learning that I need to just let things be and not be constantly trying to change things, but that it proving harder to put into practice than I was hoping. I guess more practice is what's needed - the 8 weeks have given me some tools to work with and now I need to keep practising them over and over again. I have also been cutting back on the anti-depressants, although very very slowly, and my fear is that if I'm not careful, I'll end up back where I was a year ago. Is this bout of lowness the return to my old self, or is it just a temporary low that will go away again? Only time will tell.

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