

Home - I've not been here for exactly 5 weeks - feels like longer.

Getting off the plane was a shock to the system, after nightime temperatures being between 25-30 degrees!!!

Anyway, after 6 hours cleanng the house we stayed in (it got the full Kim and Aggie treatment - curtains washed, tiles scrubbed, everything disinfected...it was cleaner and tidier when we left than when we got there - and Corin has obviously decorated too!), went to mums, had some late lunch and then we went to the airport.

Murcia airport is great - 5 minutes to check in, sit and have a coffee, wait until the inbound flight is reported as landed...go to passport control, go straight through and board the plane. Boarding done in 15 minutes (I kid you not) and straight onto the tarmac. Plane arrived 20 minutes early in Manchester, luggage was first off, we were home, with a cup of tea in hand by 10.30pm!!!

The shot is of La Manga - not Malaga as I originally wrote (yeah mum - you were right - it was late when I wrote Malaga originally - nearly all the right letters, in the wrong order!)

Have subsequently unpacked...am now going for a glass of wine and shortly to sleep, as James has two friends round tomorrow, and I have coursework to mark, ironing to do, and prep for results day on Thursday!

Thanks for following our holiday shenanigans.

And to Mum and Roy - make the most of the peace and quiet - its only 17 days till Nana descends. Thank you SO much for feeding us, entertaining and driving us wherever we needed to go. We've had a fab time - and will be booking next year's flights imminently!

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