Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Where to start...

DDW's challenge "irritating" could entail a week's worth of photography. Littering, kids/adults riding bikes on sidewalks, drivers stopping in the middle of the road to allow someone to turn left in front of them, people that don't know how to merge into highway traffic, etc., etc...

My irritation of choice is one that has almost caused us and the fur children serious injury if not the possibility of death had we not been paying attention. Many pedestrians assume that walking into a crosswalk is enough, but it's not. Add this to the above list when I'm driving. The button is there for your safety!!!

More often than not people are not paying attention. Radio, cell phone, texting, talking, staring aimlessly ahead - I've seen it all. The town now has lower lights, in addition to the lights over the road, but even these lights don't seem to help. My favourite are the people that look you right in the eye as they drive through the crosswalk as if they're saying "I actually could care a less that the lights are on, they're/you're an inconvenience"...

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