lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Are you the coot or the pelican?

No coots were harmed here. The pelican was just warning it to stay away.

Today I was up early trying to buy Glastonbury tickets but no luck this time. I've been to four in a row so I guess it's time to do something different and probably better for my finances as I'm soon to be unemployed. It was sunny and surprisngly warm for October so I went for a walk across the river and headed for my favourite park, St James's. On the way there I saw a man walking a ferret on a lead along the Strand by Charing Cross station, which was unusual.

The pelicans were quite active today and I got some interesting photos of them - they're really funny creatures. Somebody was trying to feed them monkey nuts (with the shell on) which is hardly appropriate to their diet of fish. They wouldn't eat them but one of them just didn't learn that the person was throwing the same thing every time and kept catching it. At one point it even came forward to grab the food which scared a few tourists. Then it got frustrated and snapped at this poor coot.

After following the pelicans on their circuits of the lake for about an hour I headed up to Regent's Park. I saw some of the collection of unusual wildfowl there and enjoyed the open space in the sunshine.

I've got to go to work in the morning and I'm nervous because I don't know what is going to happen. I need to get my resignation in writing and work out how much of my notice period I'm going to work. Although none of this is in writing, the boss told my colleagues on Friday so I guess there's no going back. He seemed relieved I've decided to resign. I've got very mixed feelings about all of this. Part of me is angry, part of me is sad, but I also feel relieved and freed from the unhappiness of working somewhere where I didn't fit in. It'll be awkward though as I don't know how my colleagues will react to the news that I'm leaving. I feel bad for them having to pick up even more work but it's the way the company wants it so that's something for them to take up with the bosses in their ivory towers. Anyway, enough bitterness.

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