
By scribbler


The Reverend Canon Nathan, coffee hour at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. (SOOC)

BUBBLY is the challenge topic.

Nathan is the Canon for Spiritual Formation, which sounds rather somber. And his sermon today (contrary to custom) didn't have many laughs. I stood in a corner snapping pictures as he preached, waiting for his infectious grin, but it was not to be seen. The Gospel said, Do you thank the slave for doing what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were ordered to do, say, 'We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done!' Not exactly laugh-provoking.

I tracked Nathan down at coffee hour, though, where his bubbly personality was much in evidence. You know the kind of enthusiasm little kids have? Well, Nathan isn't even thirty yet! I rest my case.

It was a terrific sermon, by the way, encouraging us to think of 'faith' not as a thing we do or don't possess but as the habit of doing day by day, willingly and cheerfully, whatever tasks fall our way. Faith isn't what we have, it's how we live.


Although I couldn't resist Nathan's smile, my original plan was to blip the Benson Bubblers, a historic and still operational feature of Portland's downtown.


October 4 was the Feast of St. Francis, a time when pets are traditionally brought to church to receive a blessing. Francis was a great lover of animals, reputed to have tamed a wolf and to have birds eating from his hand. Certainly animals amuse us, cheer us up, and invite us to participate in their bubbly nature.

This prayer was on the cover of today's order of service. I offer it for Kirby and Sally and Sigyn and Ming, for the tui and herons and lorikeets and kookaburras and all the animals of blipland, who thankfully can't read so they won't be peeved that I neglected to mention them by name.


Hear our humble prayer, O God,
for our friends the animals, Thy creatures.
We pray especially for all that are suffering in any way;
for the overlooked and underfed, the hunted, lost or hungry;
for all in captivity or ill-treated,
and for those who must be put to death.
We entreat for them Thy mercy and pity;
and for those who deal with them,
we ask a heart of compassion, gentle hands, and kindly words.
Make us all to be true friends to animals. Amen.

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