Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The new Apple iPhone 'Floater'

Inspired by my daughter Rosina and her iPhone down the toilet fiasco. At least this one would have bobbed to the top and might have been fished out before it was wrecked. I'm going to patent this one and sell the idea to Apple. I think I will call it the 'Apple Floater'. Very apt.

I also got some inspiration for this shot from the one Ronny sketch 'My blackberry is not working' which I recommend you watch if you haven't seen it before. Very funny.

Spoke to Matthew last night and he also dropped his phone in water. This time it was into a glass of water at the side of the bed. Done in the dark so possibly more understandable that Rosina's incident and he replaced his own phone with a £9 Nokia. He is not fussed about technology unlike most young people.

No badminton tonight. Courts are under repair so its table tennis round Mick and Coral's. Should be fun.

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