Willow of the wisp

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Out all day with a friend in Tavistock, so home in the grimness of early evening, so the light was bad, but least I managed this willow herb shot - although I've taken them in better light, this is the best they've come out, strange! But then photography is strange. I take my little compact with me when I go out shopping or seeing friends, but have no desire whatsoever to take photographs with it... it's just too much of a hassle half round some shops, but I have to change that soon as the clocks are going back soon *sighs*


White Michaelmas - best I could do!

Utterly shattered tonight. Even did gym this morning in such a rush. NO gym tomorrow as off to the printers... ahh love how 'no' decided to be typed out in capital letters there, that's my brain telling me you need a rest from the gym, as it's getting obsessive again! lol :) xxx

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