Daily Wild

By emyjane

Little Red Riding Hood

Best viewed *larger*

I was really trying to photograph the ladybird, which I did, but then I noticed the spider! And he's not just any old spider, he's a wolf spider - hence the title! (I'll get my coat!) But the ladybird wasn't worried about the spider, nor the spider cared much for the ladybird, so it was peace on the leaf for once! :)


Best end

Gym this morning, comedy of errors from a wobbly cross trainer that gave me the illusion I was going to topple off, to undone shoe laces half way through my treadmill! And as for the almost hilarious trip up over the rowing machine, it really was quite a theatrical performance! Home to sunshine. We went for a short drive, just to be out of the house & enjoy the weather, which clouded over when we left, but was bright blue sunshine when we came home - oh typical! :) xxx

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