A little brightness.......

......on a wet gloomy day.

There's been continual rain since last night and a drop in temperature. Hubby mentioned it was 3C at the hangar round noon today a far cry from the 28C last Sunday. The Ashley bridge is closed again so the river must be up, hope those little
Wrybill nests are safe.

It's a day for good home cooked comfort food, freshly baked scones for lunch and meatballs for tea tonight, both requested by Daughter A who has her head down and is surrounded by papers, drawings and note taking. Its just 4 weeks away until her exhibition and only 2 weeks left to hand in her final report - uni days are coming to an end.

It was out into the wet to get this droplet getting fuller by the second and dropped just after this shot was taken, I love the face on the red berry looking a little disgruntled perhaps by the weather.

I've been a bit distracted the last few days with having Daughter A home, apologies for not commenting I'll catch up soon :)

Happy Tuesday blippers :)

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