Conveniently Anna and John were driving to Bomo this morning so I hitched a lift. Got dropped in town and everything. Perf.

I sat in Nero and knitted and ate fig rolls whilst waiting for Rog to get into town. We had a bit of confusion trying to find each other in Nero until we realised we were opposite ends of town. We popped to get some dress for some lady and send it, then a quick walk on the beach whilst we were in the area. My bag was a bit heavy though for a long stroll, I got to paddle though so I was happy.

Emma and Laura came round after lunch and we chatted and played Balderdash, Katie henna'd and I knitted. We popped to the shops to get some stuff for dinner... prime time for an organised girl group photo in Waitrose car park. We made dinner, watched tv with Rog's housemates, had a near fire disaster, then we did mini plays for each other (for real, one of those weird scenarios you look back on in half embarrassment and half fondness) and played random games.

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