
By Combi31


Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), or as knew them, when I was young and beautiful in Somerset, as Peewits - in French, Vanneau Huppé.

The ones I used to see were usually seen in the fields in huge flocks - this was among a dozen, having a cool-off in the water.

Here is a shot of some swallows quenching their thirst So the swallows are still here - good or bad omen?

This is not a great shot, but it was a first for me if you look just under the beak of the moorhen on the right, you will see a snake in the water.
Later the female moorhen chased the snake and picked it up in her beak, only to toss it away when the snake wound itself around the said beak.
I wonder if this is a usual thing, or if she mistook it for reeds?
It is certainly behaviour that I have never seen before.

I hope you have had a good Tuesday, and that it is still continuing...

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