
By Combi31

Juvenile Great Crested Grebe

The grebes appear to have done really well this year, this one is part of the first clutch and there are some younger ones that I am pretty sure are from a second hatching in the last month or so.

It might look a bit better bigger

The big lump in the water that you can see near the grebe is a huge carp laying eggs - there were lots doing this, the carp wasn't put out by the presence of the grebe, due to its size, while the grebe looked on fascinated.

I have been without my computer all day - oh, how we rely on Google to solve arguments and unearth those little nuggets of information that we used to use books for.
I broke the charger this morning nothing dramatic - just a terrible design by Apple - who when questioned about such a problem, hold their hands up and proclaim never to have heard of this before ... maybe they should read their forums from time-to-time, there are lots of the same problem.

I've had my Macbook Pro retina for 6 months and already gone through the first charger ... I had 4 go on my 17" MacBook Pro .... I think it is a design that has been made to break, or am I being a tad cynical?

Anyway, I had to go into the centre of Toulouse and buy another - I thought of getting a job-lot, then decided to have more faith .... be more positive about Apple products and just buy one - Hope I have done the right thing.

I've just got my book back from the printers - it's all my macro shots in a book, called, "it's a small world" - how many points for originality?

It actually looks really nice, and very pro - even if I say so myself ... :)

Talking of books, anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year?
I'll be into my 3rd one - I love it!

I hope your Wednesday ... hump day, as you and young and trendy rascals call it - was and still is a good one :)

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