
By pattons6

Foiled again and again......

Mummy thinks she is so clever, but I will win in the end. As you can see mummy found my other trainer. Mmm need to find better hiding places. Clearly behind the leg of the sofa, right at the back isn't good enough anymore. My sister helped mummy find it, so I am in the huff with her too.

Mummy has also closed my favourite play cupboard. It had lots of exciting things like shower gel, tooth paste, mouth wash and deodorant. I liked throwing them in the bath to make a big splash but mummy has put some sort of lock on the doors. Mmmm let me find my step to have a more detailed look at this contraption. Until then I will throw things down the stair while mummy runs my bath.

There is no picture of me tonight as I was very grumpy. I had a reflux episode at my childminders and was very very sick. Full change of clothes and shoes needed! Tonight I would not eat my dinner or have my milk. My tummy still hurt. I had to get some medicine before I settled and even then I only settled as I was so tired. I had lots of water to drink though, mummy gave me some ice cold water and I drank it all as it soothed my throat.

Off to bed now to speak to the elves, I'm sure they will help me come up with some mischief to entertain mummy.

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