Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


The weather was gorgeous today, and I decided to head out for a lunch blip. My random wanderings to me to an entirely new location on a lake. The water views were nice and I expect to return to the spot to explore it more fully.

This is a wild flower growing by the lake; it also includes an insect interloper. I decided to include another purple flower in the foreground to add some visual interest and purposefully chose a large aperture.

This shot was also influenced by this book: Understanding Close-up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with or without a Macro Lens. I purchased it about a month ago and have been reviewing it carefully. The content is definitely interesting, but I find Peterson's books to be a bit superficial for my tastes. The jury is still out on this one, but he does have some interesting pictures and ideas.

Post processing:
Saturation and contrast adjustment in DPP

Constructive criticism always welcome

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