The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Farewell, my lovely

Our beautiful Bob cat is now resting in one of his favourite parts of the garden - amongst the roots of the dawn redwood that he loved to climb (and be seen to climb), under the clover that hums with bees in the Summer where he lay in the afternoon sunshine. With him are little sprigs of catmint, a few late flowers and the toys he liked most: a little yellow mouse and a ribbon. Coloured ribbons are hung in the branches of the redwood above him, and as we laid him down they were lit by sunlight as they streamed in the cool October breeze. A photo is here, I may add more later.

Bob died as he lived, with gentle grace. He was in our hands when the end came swiftly, the merciful end to his last struggle. And despite his awful illness, his eyes were still bright and his black coat glossy.

I have dreaded this day. The pain of losing this beautiful animal who brought us so much joy is simply overwhelming. We know when we take an animal into our hearts that this day will come, it's the counterbalance to the happy days that we have with them. But even in the depths of the pain, I am so glad for all those happy days, the almost bottomless well of memories that will always be with me. He has not been centre-stage in many blips, but I have a lot of photographs of him. I can hardly bear to look at them now, but one day I will be able to view them with fondness and maybe just a small tear in the corner of my eye.

This blip is of a painting done by my Auntie Sylvia. She has used a little artistic licence, as it is adapted from a photograph of him sat on the roof of the car. She has adorned it with flowers and pots from her garden in Australia. The photo she took the first time she and Ray visited our Arnside house, and she presented us with the painting the next time they came a couple of years later. The painting sits in its frame on my desk at home, and that is where it will always be.

As we were laying Bob to rest, Reggie was busy digging himself into the garden soil. He sensed the colder weather before it arrived. We have brought him in today to prepare for his hibernation. As for Gus, he is doing his best to put the joy back into our hearts. Now, more than ever, we are so glad he has become part of our lives.

Finally, for those who have never read of Bob's first few days with us back in 2001, his story is told here. And this is Wifie's favourite blip of him.

Thank you to all the kind blippers who left thoughts of sympathy and support, believe me they have helped us through this 24 hours.

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