West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Boat Blip Blues

Back to boats again today, well tugs to be exact. I have always had a soft spot for tugs. As a boy about the age of the twins I used to go to the docks on a Saturday morning after swimming training, I used to love the tugs, the workhorses of the river, small, powerful, reliable and in a strange way beautiful.

Those were the days before health and safety and I often got to go onboard and get shown around these behemoths as they lay tied up in the harbour. My dream came true when I was invited to go out one afternoon to bring a container ship into Greenock. The tug was the Thunderer, 122 feet long and se roared like her name as she made way down the river. Iwas entranced watching the men work and even more so by being allowed to steer her with this massive container vessel in tow.

Those days are gone, the tugs now in a secure dock hidden from prying eyes and young boys, sadly only seen when on the river herself So here to share one of the Clyde tugs. not too exciting but a happy memory form a time that seemed so simple. The river again for my friend and maybe too a slight admiration for the humble little tug!!! I hope you enjoy This is really lovely in large!!!!

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