West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Time on my Hands

Today was one of those days, uni work hit the fan, I felt lousy, I was worrying about my friend who seemed very blue, I hate thinking of them so far away and me not being able to be there for them other than through the ether of text or telephone, I yearn to see them, maybe soon!!!

The river beckoned again for many reasons, solace allowing me to think, a need to shoot her for my friend to try and lift flagging spirits but sadly no boats or ships today. Steamboat Quay or Custom House Quay in Greenock is the site of the shot of the day. William Clark designed and manufactured this beautiful clock in around 1868. Elaborate cast and wrought iron column which replicates Greenock on 2 sides. The base is square with a panelled sides and basins on East and West faces. The column reduces to an octagon, then to tapers into a circular-section modified Corinthian column. This is topped out with a clock, with an octagonal lantern sitting above it. It really is a Gothic style, epitomised by the crown belfry, ball finial, and of course a weathervane.

The clock was moved during the redevelopment of the square in the 1990's and now enjoys listed status.

I hope you enjoy this little glimpse of the heritage that is around us, missed by most enjoyed by few but ever constant. What sights it must have seen sailing ships, steam ships some of the worlds finest liners Clyde Built, sadly now a distant memory. History they say is a reminder of better times, I am not sure they were better times but there was more prosperity as the yards were full to bursting but they say its progress!!!!

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