Early Morning in Toronto

AND The Birthday Girl went shopping, altho technically it is a day short on this side of the world.
While acknowledging that technological goodies have made giant leaps forward and cameras in iPhones are very desirable indeed,
it seems that Handbags and other feminine attachments have also made break throughs so The Boss and ME took our leave at lunchtime (Theirs, I don't eat…OK)
and returned to the hotel to play with USB3 tiny backup drives recently purchased at the big A store along with other minor accessories..(beaut) and left The bosses to take the air. That's take the air out of her credit card…OK?

We are going to Les Mis tonight to celebrate. The Birthday NOT the credit card thing.

This shot was out of our hotel window well before breakfast. We are in the heart of the entertainment district of Toronto and a great place to be. You can walk to everything.

WOOF and thank you heaps for your response to THE falls. Love hearing from everyone and will be doing a mini catchup when we are home and housed in a day or 10.

No Engine Brakes Please.

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